The assembly was easy but, like several products from China with steel, some of the design is simply too light. The mid posts bend out with two normal adults in the bed day after day. The reason is that the side steel runners are too weak, so they bend. It works, but all the fancy hype is not very meaningful if the basic metal quality is marginal. When we finally get into our permanent home, I will have to make some modifications to prevent the side runners from twisting with normal use.
Not top notch but works
The assembly was easy but, like several products from China with steel, some of the design is simply too light. The mid posts bend out with two normal adults in the bed day after day. The reason is that the side steel runners are too weak, so they bend. It works, but all the fancy hype is not very meaningful if the basic metal quality is marginal. When we finally get into our permanent home, I will have to make some modifications to prevent the side runners from twisting with normal use.