Bike was delivered last week. It was pretty easy to complete the assembly and make adjustments, even though the manual was written for a hundred different models. I looked closely at all of the welds and they appeared to be complete and well made, so no worries there. All the component pieces like the seat, the brake assemblies, the handlebar clamps, etc. have a solid feel to them. Nothing wobbled or clanked when I rode it. For the money its a great bike so far.
So Far So Good
Bike was delivered last week. It was pretty easy to complete the assembly and make adjustments, even though the manual was written for a hundred different models. I looked closely at all of the welds and they appeared to be complete and well made, so no worries there. All the component pieces like the seat, the brake assemblies, the handlebar clamps, etc. have a solid feel to them. Nothing wobbled or clanked when I rode it. For the money its a great bike so far.