My son was able to put the bike together quickly, but he handlebars slipped around and were unable to be tightened without using a shim. The bike would not change gears, and could not be adjusted by my son or his bike/knowledgable room/mate. They will need to take it to a local bike shop for repair/adjustment.
It is the expense of mailing it back to or incur the expense of having a professional fix it.
Not happy. Would not recommend.
Ultimately Will Need Professionals Help
My son was able to put the bike together quickly, but he handlebars slipped around and were unable to be tightened without using a shim. The bike would not change gears, and could not be adjusted by my son or his bike/knowledgable room/mate. They will need to take it to a local bike shop for repair/adjustment. It is the expense of mailing it back to or incur the expense of having a professional fix it. Not happy. Would not recommend.