I was not able to fix left pedal paid 80 in clown dog bikes so they could fix it, ride was fine
Well cheap stuff, not sure how others assembled it, I cant even assemble it, everything fits perfectly except the left pedal, went to Walmart got all wrenches a ton of material, still cant fit the left pedal, guess I am gonna buy another 2 pedal from Walmart and figure out how can put it on this piece of crap.
I was not able to fix left pedal paid 80 in clown dog bikes so they could fix it, ride was fine
Well cheap stuff, not sure how others assembled it, I cant even assemble it, everything fits perfectly except the left pedal, went to Walmart got all wrenches a ton of material, still cant fit the left pedal, guess I am gonna buy another 2 pedal from Walmart and figure out how can put it on this piece of crap.