I wish I had something good to say about this bike. Long story short, I havent had it for a year yet. From the box the front wheel failed to align properly, no matter what I did to adjust it. When I was switching gears on an uphill climb, the chain would continuously change gears, even after I had quit switching them on the handle. Sometime around September I found the rear axle had bent. When I was moving it around in my garage, I gripped the brake lever and it snapped. I took it to my local bike shop to get it repaired. There I learned that their entry level bike (which looked far better than this one) started at 500 and had a number of features I now see I shouldve looked for.
Add all this up, and this bike was a waste of 400. Shame.
I shouldnt have bought this bike
I wish I had something good to say about this bike. Long story short, I havent had it for a year yet. From the box the front wheel failed to align properly, no matter what I did to adjust it. When I was switching gears on an uphill climb, the chain would continuously change gears, even after I had quit switching them on the handle. Sometime around September I found the rear axle had bent. When I was moving it around in my garage, I gripped the brake lever and it snapped. I took it to my local bike shop to get it repaired. There I learned that their entry level bike (which looked far better than this one) started at 500 and had a number of features I now see I shouldve looked for. Add all this up, and this bike was a waste of 400. Shame.