Overall really happy with this futon. Its small enough for a small living space but big enough there is room for a few people. My husband who is 6 would have to sleep diagonally if he uses the futon. The color is pretty and the fabric doesnt feel or look cheap. Assembly was not challenging. Making it into a futon is also simple. This is not our main couch so I wasnt too worried on comfort. It is fairly comfortable but not sure I would want to sit on it for hours.
Pleasantly surprised
Overall really happy with this futon. Its small enough for a small living space but big enough there is room for a few people. My husband who is 6 would have to sleep diagonally if he uses the futon. The color is pretty and the fabric doesnt feel or look cheap. Assembly was not challenging. Making it into a futon is also simple. This is not our main couch so I wasnt too worried on comfort. It is fairly comfortable but not sure I would want to sit on it for hours.