This was very easy to assemble! Took about an hour with my partner. We ordered the twin size bed frame for reference. Its worth noting that the twin size does not have a center support underneath the middle of the bed. It just has four corners and two more legs along the sides, therefore, I hope it proves to be sturdy.
The only issue I had with building it is that there were some random holes made for hardware which nothing would fit through, so I hope I wasnt missing something. It was very confusing at times and we had to backtrack to make sure we did everything correctly. There are no words, just pictures.
For anyone who wants to know, I ordered a new twin size memory foam mattress to go with the frame (I ordered the brand Vibe off and would recommend) and its a 12 inch. It fits PERFECTLY, and the mattress comes right up to the bottom of the headboard. This was important because I wanted to be able to see as much of the headboard as possible without there being a gap between the mattress and the bottom of the headboard. Could not be any happier about that! Its the perfect match.
With this being said, I feel like its overpriced. I get that its solid wood but its very light. Unbelievably light really. The board to support the mattress especially feel flimsy. If you/your kids get rowdy or junk on the bed, it probably wont handle that well.
All in all, I like the bed. It was easy to assemble. Very simple, albeit, to a fault (picture instructions). It is really not anything special, but Im happy with the style. I just hope it holds up over time. Product is exactly as descriproduct
Easy assembly, but not perfect
This was very easy to assemble! Took about an hour with my partner. We ordered the twin size bed frame for reference. Its worth noting that the twin size does not have a center support underneath the middle of the bed. It just has four corners and two more legs along the sides, therefore, I hope it proves to be sturdy. The only issue I had with building it is that there were some random holes made for hardware which nothing would fit through, so I hope I wasnt missing something. It was very confusing at times and we had to backtrack to make sure we did everything correctly. There are no words, just pictures. For anyone who wants to know, I ordered a new twin size memory foam mattress to go with the frame (I ordered the brand Vibe off and would recommend) and its a 12 inch. It fits PERFECTLY, and the mattress comes right up to the bottom of the headboard. This was important because I wanted to be able to see as much of the headboard as possible without there being a gap between the mattress and the bottom of the headboard. Could not be any happier about that! Its the perfect match. With this being said, I feel like its overpriced. I get that its solid wood but its very light. Unbelievably light really. The board to support the mattress especially feel flimsy. If you/your kids get rowdy or junk on the bed, it probably wont handle that well. All in all, I like the bed. It was easy to assemble. Very simple, albeit, to a fault (picture instructions). It is really not anything special, but Im happy with the style. I just hope it holds up over time. Product is exactly as descriproduct