We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it. Went together easily
My son loves his bed
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it. Went together easily