The good: the bed is sturdy and all the components are solid wood. Its exactly what I wanted
The bad: be prepared to build/a/bed. It took two people with power tools 10 hours to put this thing together. Judge if you must, but Im seriously still recovering from the emotional damage and trauma from building this bed. If you are going to be putting this together with a spouse, seek couples therapy! This thing was no joke and I dont know if my marriage has ever been tested to this extreme before. This is not for the weak! Really good.
10 hours later
The good: the bed is sturdy and all the components are solid wood. Its exactly what I wanted The bad: be prepared to build/a/bed. It took two people with power tools 10 hours to put this thing together. Judge if you must, but Im seriously still recovering from the emotional damage and trauma from building this bed. If you are going to be putting this together with a spouse, seek couples therapy! This thing was no joke and I dont know if my marriage has ever been tested to this extreme before. This is not for the weak! Really good.