Easy to assemble! So luxurious! My son needed a new bed frame recently and I came across this one on sale for a great price. I didnt expect much for what we paid, but I am happy to say I was wrong. The bed is all steel/metal except for a small part on the head and footboards. It is super sturdy and quiet. It took my husband 30 minutes to put together and is light weight and easy to move. Decent room under the bed for. Storage totes.
Perfect simple bed for kids
Easy to assemble! So luxurious! My son needed a new bed frame recently and I came across this one on sale for a great price. I didnt expect much for what we paid, but I am happy to say I was wrong. The bed is all steel/metal except for a small part on the head and footboards. It is super sturdy and quiet. It took my husband 30 minutes to put together and is light weight and easy to move. Decent room under the bed for. Storage totes.