This bed frame is really nice and pretty easy to assemble. It took maybe 45 mins to fully assemble it. I took the extra time to make sure it was square and was level before tightening all the bolts. So overall great value for your money, it was easy to assemble, and it is a very sturdy bed frame. 5 out of 5 stars for me. Ill probably be buying another bed for my daughter from this company.
Great value and Easy to assemble.
This bed frame is really nice and pretty easy to assemble. It took maybe 45 mins to fully assemble it. I took the extra time to make sure it was square and was level before tightening all the bolts. So overall great value for your money, it was easy to assemble, and it is a very sturdy bed frame. 5 out of 5 stars for me. Ill probably be buying another bed for my daughter from this company.