It was what I needed and a good deal First off, it was easy to assemble. The back fusion is located under the seat zipped up. The chairs feel sturdy, but they would feel more comfortable if the the back piece was leaning back a little more, and the back cushion wasnt so thin. When you sit in the chair you feel the back wood brace along your upper back and the lower back sinks in so it makes it awkward to sit without and added lumbar pillow behind you.
I liked to price of the set, the ease of assembly, and the color.
Great price but needs extra back padding!
It was what I needed and a good deal First off, it was easy to assemble. The back fusion is located under the seat zipped up. The chairs feel sturdy, but they would feel more comfortable if the the back piece was leaning back a little more, and the back cushion wasnt so thin. When you sit in the chair you feel the back wood brace along your upper back and the lower back sinks in so it makes it awkward to sit without and added lumbar pillow behind you. I liked to price of the set, the ease of assembly, and the color.