So cute and easy to assemble! Instructions said you would need two people and one hour to assemble but I was able to do it by myself in half an hour and Im quite small and not particularly strong so if I can you it you can too! The size is perfect for my space and I love that you can move the chaise part which will make it easy to transition into different spaces as I move around. I cant say how well it will hold up seeing as Ive only had it for a number of days but I am hopeful it will last me a long ti
Cute Small Sectional
So cute and easy to assemble! Instructions said you would need two people and one hour to assemble but I was able to do it by myself in half an hour and Im quite small and not particularly strong so if I can you it you can too! The size is perfect for my space and I love that you can move the chaise part which will make it easy to transition into different spaces as I move around. I cant say how well it will hold up seeing as Ive only had it for a number of days but I am hopeful it will last me a long ti