I was hesitant to buy a couch that shipped in a box and had to be assembled but this couch surpassed my expectations. Super easy, me and the dog put it together in a half an hour. Once the cushions fluffed back up after a couple days, this couch looks and feels great! Sturdy, firm cushions that will hopefully last a few years. Its not comparable to that of one sold in a high quality furniture store but it definitely gives them a run for their money. I dont regret this online purchase one bit.
Great couch for the price!
I was hesitant to buy a couch that shipped in a box and had to be assembled but this couch surpassed my expectations. Super easy, me and the dog put it together in a half an hour. Once the cushions fluffed back up after a couple days, this couch looks and feels great! Sturdy, firm cushions that will hopefully last a few years. Its not comparable to that of one sold in a high quality furniture store but it definitely gives them a run for their money. I dont regret this online purchase one bit.