Great value, time consuming to assemble but not difficult!
This bed was purchased for my daughter for her college apt. It took me 1.75 hours to assemble. It was not difficult to assemble. However there are a lot of parts and screws. They are well labeled. The bed seems to be quite sturdy. She’s only slept one night on it-but there have been no issues this far. Do not plan on a box spring. There’s not enough room from the base to the top of the headboard/footboard. Keep in mind there are center legs/supports. I found large storage drawers from bed bath and beyond that fit well….2 to the oeft abd 2 to the right of the center supports. I wish I would have snapped a pic. The bed is cute with her boho theme. Overall, a great value for the money!
Great value, time consuming to assemble but not difficult!
This bed was purchased for my daughter for her college apt. It took me 1.75 hours to assemble. It was not difficult to assemble. However there are a lot of parts and screws. They are well labeled. The bed seems to be quite sturdy. She’s only slept one night on it-but there have been no issues this far. Do not plan on a box spring. There’s not enough room from the base to the top of the headboard/footboard. Keep in mind there are center legs/supports. I found large storage drawers from bed bath and beyond that fit well….2 to the oeft abd 2 to the right of the center supports. I wish I would have snapped a pic. The bed is cute with her boho theme. Overall, a great value for the money!