I like this bed overall. Bought for my granddaughters and assembled last night. I do have 2 small issues with quality. I assembled the headboards/footboard. The slats are not fastened and move easily when touched. Minor but the kids have already learned that they will rattle if they shake them. Second, the slats that hold the mattress are unfinished. I got splinters just handling them. I would have thought that they would have at least been sanded on the ends. Enough complaining, beds pretty good so far. Worth the price !!!
I like this bed overall. Bought for my granddaughters and assembled last night. I do have 2 small issues with quality. I assembled the headboards/footboard. The slats are not fastened and move easily when touched. Minor but the kids have already learned that they will rattle if they shake them. Second, the slats that hold the mattress are unfinished. I got splinters just handling them. I would have thought that they would have at least been sanded on the ends. Enough complaining, beds pretty good so far. Worth the price !!!