This took a while to assemble and we were missing some screws. Rather that wait for seller to send replacements, we picked some up at the hardware store. The truck is a huge hit with my 3yo son. He loves it! It struggles on some of the steeper grass hills in our yard but does great on the driveway/sidewalk/street. Plenty of room for two kids also. We accidentally lost the remote the first day and the seller is sending us a new one for free. They also were helpful when I had a question about the springs in the pull tabs for the bed. This toy is really loud which kids love and neighbors maybe not as much. Have not used it enough to speak to battery life and waiting on a new remote but we are happy so far!
3 year old loves it
This took a while to assemble and we were missing some screws. Rather that wait for seller to send replacements, we picked some up at the hardware store. The truck is a huge hit with my 3yo son. He loves it! It struggles on some of the steeper grass hills in our yard but does great on the driveway/sidewalk/street. Plenty of room for two kids also. We accidentally lost the remote the first day and the seller is sending us a new one for free. They also were helpful when I had a question about the springs in the pull tabs for the bed. This toy is really loud which kids love and neighbors maybe not as much. Have not used it enough to speak to battery life and waiting on a new remote but we are happy so far!