You want to know how to quick fix this, go on YouTube and you see, there was no pieces missing just gotta find them all in the hood and box, this size is perfect for 3 and under only, letting you know now, this could fit thru your door. But I love the Jeep it does also take Batteries triple and double A batteries. Remote control, steeling wheel and the headlights for the top, this 3 speed, my godson loved it, parent can control it or child hope this was helpful
this size is perfect for 3 and under only
You want to know how to quick fix this, go on YouTube and you see, there was no pieces missing just gotta find them all in the hood and box, this size is perfect for 3 and under only, letting you know now, this could fit thru your door. But I love the Jeep it does also take Batteries triple and double A batteries. Remote control, steeling wheel and the headlights for the top, this 3 speed, my godson loved it, parent can control it or child hope this was helpful