This is an excellent product any kid could have. It works just like an actual car but it’s a toy cad. Kids can easily handle this. It wasn’t so easy to assemble. One needs a lot of patience to understand the manual and assemble it. But once it is done you will really enjoy it. It looks awesome. I liked the color, body structure, lights everything. It just looks like normal luxury truck in small size. It has forward, backward, parking,honk, accelerator, lights just like normal car. So initially kids would enjoy playing with it but later on I believe it will help them learn driving as well. It also has two modes of speed with low and high speed. As shown in my video it can easily move forward and backwards. When kids cannot play with it properly parents can guide them by operating it with remote control. Remote control has all options that are available in car body. Kids from one year to 8 year old kids can enjoy with it as it has 65lbs weight capacity. If you can afford it then just go for it as this would be the best thing you can buy your kid for playing.
Kids dream car
This is an excellent product any kid could have. It works just like an actual car but it’s a toy cad. Kids can easily handle this. It wasn’t so easy to assemble. One needs a lot of patience to understand the manual and assemble it. But once it is done you will really enjoy it. It looks awesome. I liked the color, body structure, lights everything. It just looks like normal luxury truck in small size. It has forward, backward, parking,honk, accelerator, lights just like normal car. So initially kids would enjoy playing with it but later on I believe it will help them learn driving as well. It also has two modes of speed with low and high speed. As shown in my video it can easily move forward and backwards. When kids cannot play with it properly parents can guide them by operating it with remote control. Remote control has all options that are available in car body. Kids from one year to 8 year old kids can enjoy with it as it has 65lbs weight capacity. If you can afford it then just go for it as this would be the best thing you can buy your kid for playing.