Like! Its a fairly sturdy bed. Unfortunately, once this is assembled it will need to be disassembled before moving it through a standard door frame so assemble it in the room it will be in. Pay close attention to the directions on how to put on the slats the plastic pieces break easily so you cant pull them out and put them back. Also the twin mattress I bought for it is just a few inches too small so theres about a 3 inch gap on the side.
Assemble this in the room you want it in!
Like! Its a fairly sturdy bed. Unfortunately, once this is assembled it will need to be disassembled before moving it through a standard door frame so assemble it in the room it will be in. Pay close attention to the directions on how to put on the slats the plastic pieces break easily so you cant pull them out and put them back. Also the twin mattress I bought for it is just a few inches too small so theres about a 3 inch gap on the side.