The quality of these waders looked excellent however I was unable to ever use them due to the fit. I ordered my first pair using the size chart and they were too small . I ordered the next size up and they were again too small. The main issue is in the butt area as I felt like they would split the moment I bent down. I needed these to duck hunt and would not have been comfortable and would probably have split the seem.
If these fit better I have no doubt they would have been my go to hunting waders. Best choice
Nice waders but run very small!
The quality of these waders looked excellent however I was unable to ever use them due to the fit. I ordered my first pair using the size chart and they were too small . I ordered the next size up and they were again too small. The main issue is in the butt area as I felt like they would split the moment I bent down. I needed these to duck hunt and would not have been comfortable and would probably have split the seem. If these fit better I have no doubt they would have been my go to hunting waders. Best choice