It isnt big, but it was all we could fit. Instructions were not very good. I would recommend it, my 11 year old son jumps every day and really likes it. He gets tangled up in the net when practicing flips, but that is completely a size issue and our limited space we have for a tramp. He doesnt complain, he knew it was going to be on the small side before we ordered it. Easy to assemble! So luxurious!
great product, lousy instructions
It isnt big, but it was all we could fit. Instructions were not very good. I would recommend it, my 11 year old son jumps every day and really likes it. He gets tangled up in the net when practicing flips, but that is completely a size issue and our limited space we have for a tramp. He doesnt complain, he knew it was going to be on the small side before we ordered it. Easy to assemble! So luxurious!