No instructions but a great trampoline once we put it together!
Great values and sturdy trampoline for the price. My two girls love it and everything seems to be very high quality and should last our family for years. The only reason I didnt give it five stars was we never got instructions to assemble this trampoline. Nothing in the box. Luckily my husband grew up with a trampoline and by finding instructions online we were able to put it together. Took 2 hours but well worth it. Great trampoline great value for the money, great quality
No instructions but a great trampoline once we put it together!
Great values and sturdy trampoline for the price. My two girls love it and everything seems to be very high quality and should last our family for years. The only reason I didnt give it five stars was we never got instructions to assemble this trampoline. Nothing in the box. Luckily my husband grew up with a trampoline and by finding instructions online we were able to put it together. Took 2 hours but well worth it. Great trampoline great value for the money, great quality