The protective netting is sturdy (as my 5 and 9 year old boys have ...
The trampoline arrived promptly. All parts were included. The assembly instructions were mostly straight forward. For us, 2 adults took about 3 hours to put it together. The protective netting is sturdy (as my 5 and 9 year old boys have thoroughly tested by running into it with their faces). The trampoline didnt even complain when I jumped on it (150 pounds). We have only had it for a month, so I cant speak about its longevity, but so far its everything we wanted.
The protective netting is sturdy (as my 5 and 9 year old boys have ...
The trampoline arrived promptly. All parts were included. The assembly instructions were mostly straight forward. For us, 2 adults took about 3 hours to put it together. The protective netting is sturdy (as my 5 and 9 year old boys have thoroughly tested by running into it with their faces). The trampoline didnt even complain when I jumped on it (150 pounds). We have only had it for a month, so I cant speak about its longevity, but so far its everything we wanted.