The was not too hard to assemble. I tried to move it to a better spot after assembly. Bad mistake because all the springs pulling caused it to twist up and get crooked. Had to get help to straighten it back out. So pick a good level spot first. Otherwise, everything went fine and the kids love it. I wanted a trampoline rated strong enough for me (280), my wife (105), and two grandkids (60 40). That way we could all have fun together on the trampoline. EXCELLENT It looks better than expected.
Assembled Alone
The was not too hard to assemble. I tried to move it to a better spot after assembly. Bad mistake because all the springs pulling caused it to twist up and get crooked. Had to get help to straighten it back out. So pick a good level spot first. Otherwise, everything went fine and the kids love it. I wanted a trampoline rated strong enough for me (280), my wife (105), and two grandkids (60 40). That way we could all have fun together on the trampoline. EXCELLENT It looks better than expected.