Bed looks like you paid a lot, good quality. Sturdy and fairly simple to put together. The only draw back was that holes have to be drilled in the frame for each board plank to hold the mattress. It was simple for me because I have a drill and have drilled and screwed in the screws before. I was a bit surprised that the bed frame wasnt predrilled for the planks and it was not indicated in the instructions. Perfect!!
Great Kid Bed
Bed looks like you paid a lot, good quality. Sturdy and fairly simple to put together. The only draw back was that holes have to be drilled in the frame for each board plank to hold the mattress. It was simple for me because I have a drill and have drilled and screwed in the screws before. I was a bit surprised that the bed frame wasnt predrilled for the planks and it was not indicated in the instructions. Perfect!!