This is a beautiful, sturdy ottoman. It was very easy to assemble and appears well made. We love it but there are holes in the wood on all sides. It looks like they accidentally drilled holes but stopped before they went all of the way through. Its a little disappointing but it is so nice and sturdy and comfy to put your feet on I want to keep it. Im going to get some wood putty and see if I can minimize the holes.
Beautiful and sturdy but minor flaws
This is a beautiful, sturdy ottoman. It was very easy to assemble and appears well made. We love it but there are holes in the wood on all sides. It looks like they accidentally drilled holes but stopped before they went all of the way through. Its a little disappointing but it is so nice and sturdy and comfy to put your feet on I want to keep it. Im going to get some wood putty and see if I can minimize the holes.