This is a great bunk bed, especially for the price. Its well made sturdy. It isnt huge, which is great because we gave a small bedroom, so it was perfect for what we were needing. It took my husband I 3 hours to assemble it. There were a lot of pieces it was a little overwhelming at first glance, but once we figured out what we were working with, it was a piece of cake. The instructions were easy to follow we mostly used the diagrams to figure out the assembly.
Great bunk bed, cant beat the price!
This is a great bunk bed, especially for the price. Its well made sturdy. It isnt huge, which is great because we gave a small bedroom, so it was perfect for what we were needing. It took my husband I 3 hours to assemble it. There were a lot of pieces it was a little overwhelming at first glance, but once we figured out what we were working with, it was a piece of cake. The instructions were easy to follow we mostly used the diagrams to figure out the assembly.