This bed is sturdy and looks great! It did take two of us about 4 hours to completely assemble it. The instructions are easy enough to follow but there are a lot of steps. Two people are needed to put it together. I recommend that you assemble in the room where you want the bed, that you have enough space cleared out to assemble both beds separately, have a few hours of time blocked out of your day, have a helper (capable of helping lift the top bed onto the bottom bed) and that you put the mattress on the bottom bunk before attaching the ladder. what else can I say
Great bed for the price!
This bed is sturdy and looks great! It did take two of us about 4 hours to completely assemble it. The instructions are easy enough to follow but there are a lot of steps. Two people are needed to put it together. I recommend that you assemble in the room where you want the bed, that you have enough space cleared out to assemble both beds separately, have a few hours of time blocked out of your day, have a helper (capable of helping lift the top bed onto the bottom bed) and that you put the mattress on the bottom bunk before attaching the ladder. what else can I say