I was surprised, and pleased, at how well this item was packed to prevent damage during shipping. The table is just what I wanted for our hall area. Super easy to assemble. Took longer to unpack it! It is a good size and holds what I wanted it for. It is a little on the light size but does come with an anchor kit if you feel you need it. We didnt add it but I kept it in case we decide its needed after the grandkids visit. Better than expected.
Packaged well
I was surprised, and pleased, at how well this item was packed to prevent damage during shipping. The table is just what I wanted for our hall area. Super easy to assemble. Took longer to unpack it! It is a good size and holds what I wanted it for. It is a little on the light size but does come with an anchor kit if you feel you need it. We didnt add it but I kept it in case we decide its needed after the grandkids visit. Better than expected.