All the sections were marked with a letter sticker and the bags of screws etc numbered. I had the table put together ready to attach the back piece. There were no holes to insert the screws. I even took it apart thinking I must have something attached wrong. After reassembling I ended up using finishing nails to attach the back. I had to leave the assembly until the next night. I had to redrill one of the holes for the legs as they were not deep enough for the screw. The grommets to attach the door only one fit, so I had to drill a wider hole for the other. Once these adjustments were made and assembly complete, the table looks nice.
Nice looking table / assembly issues
All the sections were marked with a letter sticker and the bags of screws etc numbered. I had the table put together ready to attach the back piece. There were no holes to insert the screws. I even took it apart thinking I must have something attached wrong. After reassembling I ended up using finishing nails to attach the back. I had to leave the assembly until the next night. I had to redrill one of the holes for the legs as they were not deep enough for the screw. The grommets to attach the door only one fit, so I had to drill a wider hole for the other. Once these adjustments were made and assembly complete, the table looks nice.