Solid 3 across the board. Looks nice enough. Does take time to set up, I believe there was something like 26 screws just to hold the backerboard on. Set up was easy and everything was labeled nicely, just time consuming.
Some pieces did come with some damage/imperfections but at a fraction of the price you would pay for something similar in store I guess you get what you pay for.
Sits out of square and wobbles
Just ok
Solid 3 across the board. Looks nice enough. Does take time to set up, I believe there was something like 26 screws just to hold the backerboard on. Set up was easy and everything was labeled nicely, just time consuming. Some pieces did come with some damage/imperfections but at a fraction of the price you would pay for something similar in store I guess you get what you pay for. Sits out of square and wobbles