My mom loves it. Purchased the bed for my 2 boys. Its pretty good quality for the price. Just know that it will take at least 2 people to assemble (3 is better). The instructions said it would take about 1 1/2 hours to assemble. However, it took about 4 hours total. Had to go back a couple times to recomplete a piece. Overall I would recommend the product to someone that needs to create space.
Good Quality But Time Consuming to Assemble
My mom loves it. Purchased the bed for my 2 boys. Its pretty good quality for the price. Just know that it will take at least 2 people to assemble (3 is better). The instructions said it would take about 1 1/2 hours to assemble. However, it took about 4 hours total. Had to go back a couple times to recomplete a piece. Overall I would recommend the product to someone that needs to create space.