Overall, I am happy with this bunk bed. The instructions were a challenge and I had to disassemble sections a couple times as board labeling wasn’t very good. There was no “how-to” instruction, just drawings of how it goes together. You definitely need two people to assemble. But once completed, it’s very solid and sturdy. The ladder can be used on the side or at the head/foot. My granddaughter is very happy with her new house bed.
Challenging instructions but very sturdy beds
Overall, I am happy with this bunk bed. The instructions were a challenge and I had to disassemble sections a couple times as board labeling wasn’t very good. There was no “how-to” instruction, just drawings of how it goes together. You definitely need two people to assemble. But once completed, it’s very solid and sturdy. The ladder can be used on the side or at the head/foot. My granddaughter is very happy with her new house bed.