This bed is sturdy, but it does take some finesse to assemble. They definitely intend for you to assemble the pieces loosely then tighten all the screws at the end. I used a impact driver set on low, otherwise using the provide allen wrench would have been exhausting. Im pretty handy and assembled it myself (with a drill) in about an hour. I think it would have easily been two, by hand. The bed is very stable once locked down and the fastening system for the slats is quiet. The bed does not squeak and the headboard is sturdy enough to brace yourself against without it feeling like it would break or come loose. The downside is that the side rails are so low that you cant use underbed storage, and the slats are fixed so lifting the mattress doesnt help. However the bed is overall so light that I can lift foot of the bed and slide things under anyway and then they are fully hidden from view.
The green is rich, and the fabric is sturdy but smooth/soft. Overall, very happy with the purchase. Great product at great price
Strong And Smart
This bed is sturdy, but it does take some finesse to assemble. They definitely intend for you to assemble the pieces loosely then tighten all the screws at the end. I used a impact driver set on low, otherwise using the provide allen wrench would have been exhausting. Im pretty handy and assembled it myself (with a drill) in about an hour. I think it would have easily been two, by hand. The bed is very stable once locked down and the fastening system for the slats is quiet. The bed does not squeak and the headboard is sturdy enough to brace yourself against without it feeling like it would break or come loose. The downside is that the side rails are so low that you cant use underbed storage, and the slats are fixed so lifting the mattress doesnt help. However the bed is overall so light that I can lift foot of the bed and slide things under anyway and then they are fully hidden from view. The green is rich, and the fabric is sturdy but smooth/soft. Overall, very happy with the purchase. Great product at great price