Built the bed for my 3 year old and he loves it. It has the side rails and was easy to put together. The only thing keeping it from 5 star for me is the fact one of the boards cracked while putting it together. It's not a deep crack and still going to use the bed but will need to replace in about a year I feel as our little gets older. I will keep an eye on the crack and update if anything changes.
Cute bed, decent quality
Built the bed for my 3 year old and he loves it. It has the side rails and was easy to put together. The only thing keeping it from 5 star for me is the fact one of the boards cracked while putting it together. It's not a deep crack and still going to use the bed but will need to replace in about a year I feel as our little gets older. I will keep an eye on the crack and update if anything changes.