Bought this for my 3 year old. She loves it. It took me longer than I expected to put together. Maybe thats just me. Some screws I didnt know where the hell they went turns out there were no holes to put them in anyways where the directions indicated unless I missed something which Im almost positive I didnt. Turns out the bed is fully functional w/0 them because she sleeps in it fine. Happy with my purchase.
My baby loves it.
Bought this for my 3 year old. She loves it. It took me longer than I expected to put together. Maybe thats just me. Some screws I didnt know where the hell they went turns out there were no holes to put them in anyways where the directions indicated unless I missed something which Im almost positive I didnt. Turns out the bed is fully functional w/0 them because she sleeps in it fine. Happy with my purchase.