Might not be as tall as it looks in the picture. But overall a nice looking sturdy bed
Just got this 2 days ago, and I have TuftandNeedle mattress, that is thick, so it sticks up above the front panel. Not a big deal, since it's covered by a comforter. It was easy to put together, however one part was slightly broken, but not so much that I could not use it. The instructions are fair. I will go back and drop some glue into each slat of the headboard, as there's some wiggle room there that makes a slight noise. For the price, it's a good buy as far as I am concerned.
Might not be as tall as it looks in the picture. But overall a nice looking sturdy bed
Just got this 2 days ago, and I have TuftandNeedle mattress, that is thick, so it sticks up above the front panel. Not a big deal, since it's covered by a comforter. It was easy to put together, however one part was slightly broken, but not so much that I could not use it. The instructions are fair. I will go back and drop some glue into each slat of the headboard, as there's some wiggle room there that makes a slight noise. For the price, it's a good buy as far as I am concerned.