We bought this bed for our two young boys, one is four and the other 1 1/2. We have them set up as two separate beds, but kept the rails on the top bunk to use as a toddler bed. The boys love it. It seems very sturdy. I have to lay in the bed with my youngest sometimes as we transition him.
I thought it was easy to put together. I did it by myself while my husband took the kids to visit Grandma. It was easier to put together with all the little hands gone. It works best to lay everything out first. The directions arent super clear so make sure you take some time to study the pictures to avoid mistakes.
You cant buy a regular twin mattress anywhere for the top bunk... It can only be 7 inches thick and most mattresses now are like 10 inches.
Great bed for kids
We bought this bed for our two young boys, one is four and the other 1 1/2. We have them set up as two separate beds, but kept the rails on the top bunk to use as a toddler bed. The boys love it. It seems very sturdy. I have to lay in the bed with my youngest sometimes as we transition him. I thought it was easy to put together. I did it by myself while my husband took the kids to visit Grandma. It was easier to put together with all the little hands gone. It works best to lay everything out first. The directions arent super clear so make sure you take some time to study the pictures to avoid mistakes. You cant buy a regular twin mattress anywhere for the top bunk... It can only be 7 inches thick and most mattresses now are like 10 inches.