It took us three hours to assemble, and the instructions had no words only pictures, they gave us extra screws and what not in the package. At first I was skeptical, but this bed doesnt squeak at all, the canopy bends, but as long as you arent sitting on the top part it should be fine, and you should makes sure that you have a nice thick mattress or you will feel the bed slats. Overall the bed is beautiful, yet silent, and sturdy enough that if you treat it with care it should last you a long time.
Beautiful, silent, long assembly.
It took us three hours to assemble, and the instructions had no words only pictures, they gave us extra screws and what not in the package. At first I was skeptical, but this bed doesnt squeak at all, the canopy bends, but as long as you arent sitting on the top part it should be fine, and you should makes sure that you have a nice thick mattress or you will feel the bed slats. Overall the bed is beautiful, yet silent, and sturdy enough that if you treat it with care it should last you a long time.