this product took 4 people to assemble and it took hours. we probably couldve done it with less people but it was still a long process. we were missing screws but still made it work. i purchased this back in may and set it up beginning of june/ ive now used it for over a month and its definitely stable. the and floor piece is cute and cushioned well. the drawers r cheap and dont stay in place due to them being on wheels but for the price im not complaining!!! definitely a dupe for the bed i originally wanted for 700 and im content with my order
ya get what u paid for! and its not bad!
this product took 4 people to assemble and it took hours. we probably couldve done it with less people but it was still a long process. we were missing screws but still made it work. i purchased this back in may and set it up beginning of june/ ive now used it for over a month and its definitely stable. the and floor piece is cute and cushioned well. the drawers r cheap and dont stay in place due to them being on wheels but for the price im not complaining!!! definitely a dupe for the bed i originally wanted for 700 and im content with my order