Product is as advertised. Based on the use of metal for a good portion of the frame, this is a very sturdy unit. It was relatively easy to put together (I did it by myself). Some of the screws needed some additional force to drive in as opposed to just using the provided tools. Instructions were very good / detailed, clear, pictures, etc. / some of the best I have seen with furniture/shelving. The one negative is that the interior shelving (inside the middle doors) / the height doesnt allow for some 1.75 liter bottles of liquor / it is an inch or so too short. I may be able to reconfigure to some extent and I have to see if I can play around with it (I could always remove the shelf) / not a deal breaker at all. Would recommend.
Sturdy style bar/beverage shelf unit
Product is as advertised. Based on the use of metal for a good portion of the frame, this is a very sturdy unit. It was relatively easy to put together (I did it by myself). Some of the screws needed some additional force to drive in as opposed to just using the provided tools. Instructions were very good / detailed, clear, pictures, etc. / some of the best I have seen with furniture/shelving. The one negative is that the interior shelving (inside the middle doors) / the height doesnt allow for some 1.75 liter bottles of liquor / it is an inch or so too short. I may be able to reconfigure to some extent and I have to see if I can play around with it (I could always remove the shelf) / not a deal breaker at all. Would recommend.