I bought 2 sets of chairs (4 in total) for my mom and she loves them. She wanted bar style stools with arm rest and back support for her dining table. It was easy to assemble and they are very comfortable, soft but firm enough when you sit on them. They are also padded on the back which makes them even more comfortable to relax after eating or just to read. I will definitely recommend these chairs as they are beautiful and classy. The velvet gives them a chic look. My sister wants to buy them too.
Great chairs
I bought 2 sets of chairs (4 in total) for my mom and she loves them. She wanted bar style stools with arm rest and back support for her dining table. It was easy to assemble and they are very comfortable, soft but firm enough when you sit on them. They are also padded on the back which makes them even more comfortable to relax after eating or just to read. I will definitely recommend these chairs as they are beautiful and classy. The velvet gives them a chic look. My sister wants to buy them too.