Overall I feel as though this product is not worth 150. I would pay 70 for this at max. It gets the job done its just not the best quality. The color didnt match what was given in the description and picture. Its a very dark dirty gold. It was very easy to assemble but my package came missing important parts to stabilize the metal bars running across the frame. I also own a king sized mattress so I ordered a king size frame, but the frame is bigger than the mattress by about 6 inches more on each side.
Not worth it
Overall I feel as though this product is not worth 150. I would pay 70 for this at max. It gets the job done its just not the best quality. The color didnt match what was given in the description and picture. Its a very dark dirty gold. It was very easy to assemble but my package came missing important parts to stabilize the metal bars running across the frame. I also own a king sized mattress so I ordered a king size frame, but the frame is bigger than the mattress by about 6 inches more on each side.