I purchased 4 chairs in the natural iak. Lighter than wanted, but kept. The seat cushions I thought were going to be a light beige are off white. They are a sturdy little chair. The cushions have very little padding. The assembly (with power tool) was smoothe. There were not any pre -drill holes in wood of chair base to attach seat to. Would be near impossible to screw in without power drill. A good chair for price
Good chair for price
I purchased 4 chairs in the natural iak. Lighter than wanted, but kept. The seat cushions I thought were going to be a light beige are off white. They are a sturdy little chair. The cushions have very little padding. The assembly (with power tool) was smoothe. There were not any pre -drill holes in wood of chair base to attach seat to. Would be near impossible to screw in without power drill. A good chair for price