There was a shipping issue with FedEx so this chair arrived nearly a month late, but the seller was very responsive and gave me a generous credit to make up for it. I was concerned after waiting so long I might not like the chair or it would arrive damaged, but it is exactly what I was looking for. Its remarkable sturdy, was so easy to put together, and looks great in my living room! It comes in a flat box and all of the extra pieces (arms, back, cushion) were tucked into the base under a strong velcro lining. Very innovative! Its a great size. Not overbearing like some others I was looking at. good item
Exactly what I was looking for!
There was a shipping issue with FedEx so this chair arrived nearly a month late, but the seller was very responsive and gave me a generous credit to make up for it. I was concerned after waiting so long I might not like the chair or it would arrive damaged, but it is exactly what I was looking for. Its remarkable sturdy, was so easy to put together, and looks great in my living room! It comes in a flat box and all of the extra pieces (arms, back, cushion) were tucked into the base under a strong velcro lining. Very innovative! Its a great size. Not overbearing like some others I was looking at. good item