The chair itself seems pretty sturdy and very easy to assemble. I ordered the black contoured seats. The only issue I have is that they show every finger print on it.. not good especially with kids.
I also received the wrong order twice when ordering these bar stools, both bar stools were great quality but I liked this style and it matches my decor. So I contacted the seller and they responded right away to my issues and have sent me a replacement. Also, they said theyll take my feedback into consideration in improving their chairs.
Five stars for their customer service, four for this specific product.
Decent product
The chair itself seems pretty sturdy and very easy to assemble. I ordered the black contoured seats. The only issue I have is that they show every finger print on it.. not good especially with kids. I also received the wrong order twice when ordering these bar stools, both bar stools were great quality but I liked this style and it matches my decor. So I contacted the seller and they responded right away to my issues and have sent me a replacement. Also, they said theyll take my feedback into consideration in improving their chairs. Five stars for their customer service, four for this specific product.