So far so good!! My kids love it! When my fiancee was putting it together, one of the bars laying across split/ cracked... the nails were too short to go straight down or the angle the directions said to. I didnt read the directions or put this together so I dont know what caused that to happen, but it really didnt cause any issues. Its very sturdy, I even stood on it for a minute and the kids were laughing and jumping on it.... sooo very sturdy. And it looks so nice!!
Very Sturdy!! And looks really nice!
So far so good!! My kids love it! When my fiancee was putting it together, one of the bars laying across split/ cracked... the nails were too short to go straight down or the angle the directions said to. I didnt read the directions or put this together so I dont know what caused that to happen, but it really didnt cause any issues. Its very sturdy, I even stood on it for a minute and the kids were laughing and jumping on it.... sooo very sturdy. And it looks so nice!!