This is a very sturdy good looking bed. The instructions for assembly were very easy to follow and all the parts were well labelled. Even the bolts, etc. all come in separate numbered bags. My only issue was a huge warning sticker on one of the headboards. Why would anyone use a sticker that big that is impossible to remove? If you are required to put that label on then use an easy peel sticker. I made sure to have the side with the sticker face the wall so at least its now hidden. Maybe someday Ill try to steam it off.
Very impressed
This is a very sturdy good looking bed. The instructions for assembly were very easy to follow and all the parts were well labelled. Even the bolts, etc. all come in separate numbered bags. My only issue was a huge warning sticker on one of the headboards. Why would anyone use a sticker that big that is impossible to remove? If you are required to put that label on then use an easy peel sticker. I made sure to have the side with the sticker face the wall so at least its now hidden. Maybe someday Ill try to steam it off.