It took my roomate and his friend 3 1/2 hours to assemble.I supervised. They complained highly because it took forever to assemblebut they didnt follow the directions until something didnt add u So if you follow the directions on how to assemble it will probably take way less tim Yes it does wobble. Meaning when the person on the top movesthe person on the bottom feels every move you makeother than that it serves its purpose and we havent had any issues with it. I recommend it.
Recommend it
It took my roomate and his friend 3 1/2 hours to assemble.I supervised. They complained highly because it took forever to assemblebut they didnt follow the directions until something didnt add u So if you follow the directions on how to assemble it will probably take way less tim Yes it does wobble. Meaning when the person on the top movesthe person on the bottom feels every move you makeother than that it serves its purpose and we havent had any issues with it. I recommend it.